Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Announcing an update to www.basehasefer.com !


ז' תמוז, תש"פ

What's new:

Part-of-speech search
An important addition to our advanced search tabs where one can specify grammatical part-of-speech details and more when defining search criteria.  This is largely due to the vast repository of information on verbs that we were able to extract from ספר עמלים בתורה with permission from its author Rabbi Moshe Silberman.
This experimental feature is highly dependent on growing the quality of grammatical definitions in
our database. As of now, probably 75% of it is well-defined and accurate.

Using the Parts of Speech++ tab

Search for all instances in Tanach that have a passive verb with a plural suffix and the word contains at least seven letters.

Enter * (an asterisk to represent a wildcard) in the main search bar.  Then open the advanced search and click on the Parts of Speech++ tab.  Then select nif’al, huf’al and pi’el for binyan, plural for suffix number and for letters per word slide the right-hand slider button to 7.  Then click the search button. You will get the following for results: (יחזקאל א:כא) וּבְהִנָּשְׂאָם; (יחזקאל ו:ח) בְּהִזָּרוֹתֵיכֶם; (יחזקאל כט:ז) וּבְהִשָּׁעֲנָם; (דניאל יא:לד) וּבְהִכָּשְׁלָם.

Search for phrases in Tanach where Avraham (or Avram) does something to someone else where the first word is a verb starting with vav, the second word is Avraham/Avram, the third word is את and the fourth word is any person’s name.

  • Enter "ו* אבר*ם את *" in the search bar (vav with asterisk to allow for a range of verbs, Avr*m with an asterisk to allow for both Avraham and Avram variations, final term as an asterisk to allow for any person – all surrounded by quotes to ensure you will get a phrase of four consecutive words).
  • Then open the advanced search and click on the Parts of Speech++ tab.
  • With ו* selected in the search term selector on the right, select word type = verb, person = third and gender = male; With אבר*ם selected, select Objects = Person: MAN (to ensure that the letter pattern is limited to a man’s name); With the final * selected select Objects = Person: MAN, Person: WOMAN (to allow for any person)

Click the search button and you will get the following five results:

Object clouds
Tag clouds for words, שורשים, גמטריות and more can now be generated by a Cloud Viewer window.  This functionality can also be accessed in our Tanach Viewer and parallel clouds can even be compared in the Text Comparator screen. (The following example is for פרשת ויגש)

The following is an object cloud comparison between shorashim in מגילת שיר השירים and מגילת אסתר

Parallel gematria view
Added new display panel options for both the Parsha and Tanach viewers so that one can now view גמטריא and/or אתבש values in parallel to the main Hebrew text.

The full list of recent system changes can be seen in the "Version Information" tab of the "About" window accessible by clicking on the (i) icon from the main menu.