Wednesday, March 16, 2022

New at Targum search, Lexicon and More!



יג אדר, תשפ"ב

A new version of Base HaSefer was released yesterday and it contains the following several updates.


New feature: Search Targum Onkelos on the Chumash

One can now search for words or word patterns in the Targum.  Searching Aramaic word roots is not yet available but one can try to simulate that by using wildcard patterns with * and ?


1) a new content source selector is available so that one can choose תרגום instead of תנ"ך (the default)

2) enter Aramaic words or word patterns and then click the Search button

3) parallel result columns will now automatically appear with the original Hebrew on the right and the Aramaic Targum on the left

4) words that match the search will be highlighted in parallel on both sides.  One can also hover on words and see their parallel words highlighted on the opposite side

5) new result content selector buttons will be available at the bottom of the search result window.  One can select to show תנ"ך content or תרגום content or both.  The parallel Hebrew-Targum columns now available in search results will also be available even when searching the original Hebrew content.


The mappings between Targum and Hebrew words is somewhat experimental at this stage and I hope to improve its accuracy in the future.



New Lexicon feature

An outgrowth of the capability to search Targum Onkelos came from the curiosity to examine cases where:

·         Different Targum words are used for the exact same Hebrew words in the Chumash.  This provides us with different shades of meaning for the same Hebrew word and can lend critical understanding to the meaning of a פסוק.

·         The same Targum word can be used to describe different Hebrew words.  This can be used as a source for identifying synonyms among Hebrew words and helps us broaden our understanding of those words.


Therefore, a lexicon was developed with the initial scope of visualizing the mapping just Hebrew words to Targum words and vice versa.  Out of that came the idea to add the ability to map Hebrew word-word and root-root synonyms based on their use of a common Targum.  Once that happened, I decided to add mapping to גמטריא and אתבש word values into the mix.

Clicking the new Lexicon panel from under the search bar or selecting the its new menu option from the system menu will open the following window:

I tried to make this as intuitive as possible but it understandably can get quite involved.  Hopefully I will expand upon this in the coming weeks with popup help documentation so one can fully explore this feature more easily.



Now can right-click on a פסוק result to search for other פסוקים with similar statistics

In an earlier demo video, I alluded to the possibility of this feature based on a בעל הטורים on the first פסוק in פרשת בראשית where he mentions another פסוק containing 7 words and 28 letters just like the first פסוק in the תורה.

1) right-click on a פסוק

2) select similarity criteria and then click the search button

3) a new set of results will appear in the search results window and will automatically cause the relevant statistics columns to appear if they were not already selected to appear




Now can load selected sections in the Parsha Viewer to an Object Cloud

This now lets one visualize frequency of words, roots and other content for individualפרשיות פתוחות וסתומות


1) In the Parsha Viewer click the plus sign to open up the parsha text

2) click the new cloud button on top of the view to automatically generate an Object Cloud


Added button to search results window for downloading to CSV files

One can now easily download search results into a CSV file which can also be easily loaded into MS-Excel or other spreadsheet applications when you want to play around with your results and format and edit them.  This can be done via the new download button that appears to the right of the search results.









Expanded search summary statistics with a popup containing sortable breakdown of ספר locations

At the bottom right of the search results window there are two changes:

·         A total appearances number has been added to indicate how many actual times the search term(s) occur.  This is in addition to the existing number which describes in how many פסוקים the search term(s) occur. 

·         Clicking on the new arrow button on the right will popup a small scrollable window offering a detailed breakdown of these numbers per ספר in תנ"ך.  One can sort each column by ascending or descending order by merely clicking on a column header.







New convenience dropdown in Advanced Search's Placement tab for choosing recent קריאה and פסוק range selections

When one goes to the Placement tab within the Advanced Search, each row will contain a new arrow button at the very beginning of the row. Clicking this button will reveal a set of recent placement choices by named קריאה or by פסוק range.  Selecting from the list can ease entry of search criteria by automatically populating the necessary fields in the entire row based on your selection.

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